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Our School

A place where learning is fun!

From the moment you enter the International School of Cuiaba’s doors you will notice it is a place where enjoyment in learning is paramount. Our exciting inquiry curriculum, mixed with inspired teaching and new state of the art facilities, set the environment for every child to achieve. It is an environment set to build the next generation of global citizens.


The school’s curriculum is ground in the inquiry spirit as the children become passionate, curious and imaginative learners.


It is important to allow children to see things through another person’s point of view, by working together to create and build, children have the opportunity to be self-disciplined as they explore in their own way.


What exactly is self-discipline? Self-discipline is the ability to push yourself forward, stay motivated and take action, regardless of how you’re feeling, physically or emotionally. Motivation and willpower contribute to it, as do persistence, the ability to follow through on your intentions and hard work.


While playing and experimenting, children relax and tension is reduced because they don’t have to worry about high expectations. When they can express themselves, they become more natural and engaged learners that take risks without fear of failure. They are allowed to investigate, explore and discover things that are new to them and make connections with things that they already know.

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Early Years

(The early years program is designed for children between 2 and 5 years of age.)


The approach to early learning followed by the International School of Cuiaba is grounded in the belief that our youngest children are competent and curious individuals. They are thinkers and theory makers that are able to build understanding about the world in which they live and the relationships they build, both with one another and their environment.


Our learning philosophy is based around and inquiry model. It allows students to grow and develop in an International and multilingual context. Our Early learning starts from the age of two years and goes through till the age of five. From this point they will then pass into our International Primary Program.

The power of play

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The power of play:


Play is the driver of all learning in the Early Years. Through play and exploration, students are able to learn to insure as they build and test theories. This helps them to make sense of the world around them.

The central
role of the environment


The central role of the environment:


Our classes are set up with the children in mind. They are spaces that are stimulating to promote wonder, exploration, inquiry, creativity and learning through play. The different creative and sensory materials on offer are organised to encourage child agency and collaboration. The spaces actively facilitate student’s exploration allowing them to participate in the physical and social environments.

English Language Immersion


English Language Immersion:

Our program provides full English immersion, which enables students to gain competence in the English language. Their home language is still valued and made use of as they develop their understanding and skills.

Outdoor learning

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Outdoor learning:

Children’s learning inhabits both the indoor and outdoor learning environments. The early years children access the outdoor learning spaces multiple times throughout the day. These spaces allow for outdoor play and exploration informs the relational aspect of the educational experience.

When we give young children the time and space to play and explore, we give them the ability to grow and learn.

Primary Years:

Coming Soon - Primary campus ready to open for the 2023 school year!

Teaching and learning is based around the Cambridge Assessment International Education program. The children begin their primary studies being fully immersed in an environment of wonder. This program allows children to be actively involved in their learning as they inquire into different topics.


The program draws together elements of different disciplines into a meaningful whole. Where the children are involved in a range of learning activities in specially designed topic classrooms. These spaces are set up to make learning exciting for all ages with a specialised teacher in each room.


The children will gain autonomy as they inquire in their studies and become individuals who are capable and strong learners. They will be actively involved in their own learning and taking responsibility for that learning.

Given the opportunity and the right space, a child can achieve everything.

Year 1: The year 1 class offers a natural transition into the primary school. Learning is organised with a continued emphasis on learning through play. The children explore various subjects while they focus on personal, social and emotional development skills. These skills support them as they apply management skills, communication skills, early reading and writing skills across the curriculum.


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